Fireside with Voxgig for Professional Speakers

Tun Shwe

Published On:
Tun Shwe
Podcast Host
Richard Roger
Voxgig Founder
Podcast Guest
Tun Shwe
VP of data and DevRel at Quix

Today we’re speaking to Tun Shwe. Tun is the VP of data/DevRel at Quix, and he came on to chat to us about Quix’s work creating real time data developer tools and he also gives us an insight as to his experience working at a completely Python focused company.

Catering to only one programming language may sound like a dream (especially to those running APIs and struggling to please everyone), but there’s still a lot of hardcore engineering that goes into their daily routines.

Python may be one language, but like every language it has dialects and accents, some of which are so distinct as to almost qualify as their own thing. The diversity in how and why people use the language means that Tun and Quix are very much kept on those toes, despite the concept of a singular language implying simplicity.

Lastly, he goes into how his own experience learning from open source has influenced him in his staunch support of the continuing use of open source to educate and spread ideas.

This is a wonderful episode for those curious as to the inner workings of a single language organisation.

Reach out to Tun here:

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