Welcome To The Voxgig Podcast

We talk to people in the developer community about developer relations, public speaking and community events.

Fireside with

Since 2018, Richard has been chatting to an international and diverse mix of speakers events organisers and software development advocates, mining for nuggets of wisdom.

Below you’ll find our current featured podcast. You can also scroll through our extensive archive. Each new podcast will be paired with a reinforcing podcast from the archive. You can find these suggestions in our accompanying newsletter.

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Ed Shee
Ed Shee
It can be a hard pill for DevRels to swallow, that not everyone loves learning as much as we do - but at the end of the day, this itself becomes a problem that we can spend time learning to solve! Too meta? Today’s guest is Ed Shee, the CTO of Ignitus.
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Nuno Job
Nuno Job
You may have heard of something called a “can-do” attitude. Well for today’s guest, Nuno Job, it’s more of a “will-do” attitude, as he seems to breeze past industry neurotics and red tape with admirable ease. He’s here giving a little inspiration to those wanting to shake up the way things are done.
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Pat Dwyer 2
Pat Dwyer 2
If you’ve ever been tasked with public speaking, then you’ve probably found yourself amongst the large majority of people who consider it to be one of the scariest things a person can do. And if that’s the case, you might be interested to hear from today’s guest, Pat Dwyer.
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Allan Knabe
Allan Knabe
We’re continuing to kick off the new year with Allan Knabe, the CEO and Co-Founder of apiable.io, an API portal that’s helping to smooth out the creation process. Building an API is harder than it looks, but it doesn’t always have to be such a difficult task.
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Eoin Boylan 2
Eoin Boylan 2
Welcome back! We’re bringing in 2025 (and with it a new, exciting lineup of guests) with an oldie but a goldie - Eoin Boylan.
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Phil Leggetter
Phil Leggetter
Top tip: if you’re thinking of getting into DevRel, just know that you will hate boxes of t-shirts for the rest of your life. Or at least that’s how today’s guest, Phil Leggetter feels about them.
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Kevlin Henney
Kevlin Henney
Today, we’re speaking to Kevlin Henney, who, if you scroll back far enough, you’ll see was one of our earliest guests on the podcast. We’re thrilled to have Kevlin back for a discussion on microservices, agile development and how developers can avoid the “factory line” work style.
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Zameer Fouzan
Zameer Fouzan
Today we’re talking observability, open source, developer education and the politics of conference speaking. And we’re doing it all with our amazing guest, Zameer Fouzan from New Relic.
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Jim Bennett
Jim Bennett
Coding is like spinning plates, and before you even start you've gotta be spinning seven of them. Today's guest is Jim Bennett, the Developer Advocate at Pieces For Developers, where they’re trying to make that plate spinning act run just a little smoother.
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Katie Wasilenko Miller
Katie Wasilenko Miller
Our guest today is Katie Wasilenko Miller, and if you’re at all curious about what it’s like to have worked in DevRel for Google, Asana, and Slack then this might be the episode for you.
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John Gilhuly
John Gilhuly
John Gilhuly is the chief developer advocate at Arize.com, an AI observability monitoring platform, and he joins us for a great discussion on the rapidly evolving AI space, and what that means for a company built to work with LLM applications.
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Stacey Kruczek
Stacey Kruczek
When Stacey Kruczek joined Aerospike.com, their community building needed a little TLC from a developer relations expert. These days, the community is 12,000 people strong, and she knows exactly how to prove DevRel’s business value. In this episode, we chat with Stacey about all this and more.
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Nick Schneeberger
Nick Schneeberger
Nick Schneeberger is the developer behind Freepublicapis.com, and we’re thrilled to have him on the podcast to give us some insights into how programming is being both taught and learned in the current age.
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James Higginbotham 2
James Higginbotham 2
Back in February, James Higginbotham joined us for a chat about what it’s like to work with increasingly large developer teams. Now he’s back to catch us up on what he’s been doing at his company, LaunchAny.
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Ed Stephinson
Ed Stephinson
Today, we’re talking to Ed Stephinson who should serve as a shining beacon to those wishing to turn their side hustle into their main hustle. Ed is the Founder of Sailhouse.dev, which he has been building into a thriving startup all while balancing a separate 9-5 job throughout!
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