Fireside with Voxgig for Professional Speakers

Jono Bacon 2

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Jono Bacon 2
Podcast Host
Richard Roger
Voxgig Founder
Podcast Guest
Jono Bacon 2
Founder of Community Leadership Core

It’s time for another talk about community! And who better for us to speak to, than friend of the podcast Jono Bacon? Jono is the Founder of Community Leadership Core, and a community expert. He’s sitting down with us to give us a look behind the scenes of how he completely transforms communities. From those that have yet to get off the ground, to those that are experiencing a dip after their heyday, Jono and his team know the practical steps to get these communities thriving - or thriving again!

Community Leadership Core isn’t quite a course and neither is it a consultancy, or a cohort. So Jono describes it as an accelerator, and like most companies, it’s gone through a few stages before ending up where it was always meant to be.

Jono is selective in the best way when it comes to his clients, only working with those really willing to put the effort in. Those truly excited take on and apply solutions, rather than allowing fear to come into their decision making process. We find this hugely admirable, as so much of our focus in DevRel is on getting people in the door - but the reality is that not every client is right for you, and we should all be more comfortable with walking away from something that ultimately won’t work out!

One thing that is clear from this discussion is that for Jono, the devil is in the details. He tells us about his quest to unlock “low friction value” for his clients. When building communities, it’s not always the biggest moves that will add the most. So many people struggle to get people into their community, and when Jono looks at their onboarding process it’s a tiresome, confusing mess. There lies the unlocked low friction value. Streamlining that process may seem like a small, simple task. But it’s those very small tasks that add up into a huge wave of new members.

If you’re currently building, or want to build any kind of community, this one is a must-listen!

Reach out to Jono here:

Check out Community Leadership Core here:

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