Fireside with Voxgig for Professional Speakers

Carmen Huidobro

Published On:
Carmen Huidobro
Podcast Host
Richard Roger
Voxgig Founder
Podcast Guest
Carmen Huidobro
Head of Developer Education at DevCraft Academy

We’re back with some brand new episodes! Kicking us off in style is the wonderful Carmen Huidobro. Carmen is the Head of Developer Education at DevCraft Academy, and she’s got some amazing insights into everything from the philosophy of language and learning, to the pros and cons of being a “generalist” in tech.

On this episode, we get into the question of whether nature or nurture can more deeply impact a person when picking up skills like coding. 

Carmen draws our attention to the phrase “A jack of all trades is a master of none” and reveals to us the second half - “but oftentimes is better than a master of one”. As a DevRel, the ability to switch between different roles at the drop of a hat, is the very thing that gives the job a purpose.

However, there are of course downsides to this path. Carmen describes to us her problems with having a lack of specialist branding in her work. After being told her CV “could be three different people”, she decided to, at least on paper, put herself in a slightly more marketable box - a somewhat reductive step that all of us must surely take at one point or another, before being allowed to fully embrace our wonderful unmarketable selves.

Reach out to Carmen here:

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